Easy Corned Beef Recipe

Making corned beef on the stovetop is simple. It cooks faster than in a slow cooker and you still get the same tender meat. Corned beef is a St. Patrick’s Day dinner staple, but it is great for any occasion.


Place the corned beef (fat cap up) in a large, heavy pot where there is enough room so that it fits comfortably. We used a 6-quart enameled Dutch oven.


Add the seasoning to the top of the meat. Press it down gently letting some of it fall around the meat into the pot.


Add beef broth and water (in equal parts) to almost cover the meat. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat, cover, and simmer for about 3 hours until tender.


If you enjoy a crispy crust on the corned beef, then broil it for a few minutes. Remove it from the pot and set it on a rimmed pan or broiler safe baking dish.


Broil (on low) for 3-7 min. or until it reaches the desired color and texture. Do not leave the oven’s side during this step. Turn on the light and keep peeking in.


Slice the corned beef and serve. To enjoy it with cabbage, carrots, and potatoes add them to the liquid after the meat is removed and boil them gently until tender.